Sunday, October 7, 2007

Chapter 9

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"What are they doing?"
"I don't know." said Mandy.
"Let me ask that guy over there." said Kevin.
"Hey! Did you know what happened to the school?" asked Kevin.
"Yeah, they are shutting it down because it has too many accidents in one year and everybody is doing really bad in tests." said the person.
"Are you serious?!"
"This couldn't have happened." cried Mandy.
"This is just all a night mare." yelled Kevin.
"We might have to split up."
"I'll go to the same school as you! I'm sure of it, so what school are you going to go to?" asked Mandy.
"Well, I guess I'm going to St. More high school then because most of my relatives go there and it's quite close to my house."
"Oh, good thing we're neighbors." said Mandy.
"I guess I'm the one thats going to have to split up." cried Kevin.
"What school are you going to?" asked Mandy.
"It's not around here..." said Kevin.
"What do you mean?" asked Mandy.
"He is saying that he is moving somewhere really far..."
"No!" yelled Mandy.
"I'm moving to Florida." cried Kevin.
"So your leaving California?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to say it at a good time." said Kevin.
"Kevin, don't leave me."
"My dad just got a new job in Florida." cried Kevin.
"-But will you come back to visit?"
"I asked my dad, he said it was a waste of money and time." said Kevin.
"What?! Doesn't he care about his friends here?" yelled Mandy.
"Well, not really." said Kevin.
"Your dad is so mean!"
"I know!" said Mandy.
"Thats my dad.." cried Kevin.
"So when are you leaving Kevin?" asked Mandy.
"Tomorrow." said Kevin.
"You can't just do that to me Kevin!"
"I'm sorry Kristine, I'll try to call you when I'm there." said Kevin.
"-But, It's just not the same. I really hate far relation ships and I know you do too. At some point, your going to fall for another girl."
"-Kristine, your the only one for me." cried Kevin.
"I love you Kevin, I will really miss you."
"Can I at least go to the air port with you before you leave?"
"Sure, I guess." said Kevin.
"I want to come too." said Mandy.
"You two must really care about me huh?" said Kevin.
"Kevin, what do you think? We've been going out since 1st grade. I would never want to lose you."
"And I just want to come because I knew you since pre-k and we've been really good friends." said Mandy.
"Well, I have to go home and pack all of my things." said Kevin.
"Bye Kevin, I will call you soon."
"Bye Kev." said Mandy.
"Bye you two." teared Kevin.
[Kevin leaves]
"Oh my god! He's actually leaving me."
"Kristine, don't cry!" yelled Mandy.
"I just have to."
"Toughen up! He's leaving theres no need to cry." said Mandy.
"I guess your right."
"Yeah!" yelled Mandy.
"Well, I already miss him already."
"Lets go sign up for St. More now before other people sign up."
"Kay." said Mandy.
[St. More]
"Hey can we sign up for St. More?" asked Mandy.
"Yes, there are many spots left." said the principal.
"Yay! We made it Kristine!" shouted Mandy.
"Why is your friend crying?" asked the principal.
"Uh, she has some issues at home." said Mandy.
[after some paperwork]
"Okay you two are finish! Come to school tomorrow! Have a nice day!" said the principal.
"You too!" said Mandy.
[at home on the phone]
"Mandy, it's so frustrating!"
"Well, I have to go take a shower. Call me back later. Bye." said Mandy.
"[calls Kevin]"
"Hello?" said Kevin.
"Hi Kevin, you finish packing?"
"I made a mistake-" said Kevin.
"Your not moving? Hurray! I'm going to go over and hug you!"
"No, I am moving, but my air plane ride is coming today." said Kevin.
"What?! When are you leaving?"
"In 10 minutes. Come over now!" said Kevin.
"-But Mandy is in the shower!"
"Tell her to go now, before I'm late." said Kevin.
"Kay. I'm going to her house now. Call my cell phone okay?"
"Kay." said Kevin.
[Knocks door at Mandy's house]
"Hi Mandy's mom."
"Hi Kristine, Mandy is taking a shower right now." said Mandy's mom.
"This is very important, can you tell her to change now?"
"Okay. Wait." said Mandy's mom.
"-And can you also tell her Kevin is leaving today?"
"Okay." said Mandy's mom.
"Mandy! Come out here right now! Kristine is here and she said Kevin's air plane is about to leave right now." screamed Mandy's mom.
"Oh my god! I have to change now." said Mandy.
"Coming!" yelled Mandy.
[Kristine's cell phone rings]
"Kristine, it's too late I'm leaving now." said Kevin.
"Dammit! [Kristine hangs up]"
"I think we can still make it if we have a driver."
"I can drive!" shouted Mandy's mom.
"Can you take me and Mandy to the air port?"
"Sure!" said Mandy's mom.
"Kay I'm done!" said Mandy.
"Why are we going in my car? asked Mandy.
"Because Kevin already left. I think we can still make it."
[Mandy's mom driving]
"You just had to shower!"
"Well, sorry!" said Mandy.
"I think they are already there."
"It's not too late!" said Mandy.
[Kevin arrives at the air port]
"Well it's time to go. Bye California.." said Kevin.
"I wish I can see Kristine again." said Kevin.
[Kevin gets on the air plane]
"[sigh]" said Kevin.
[Mandy and Kristine arrives]
"Oh my god! His air plane is getting ready to take off!"
"I'm sorry Kristine." said Mandy.
"It's okay.."
"Kristine! Don't cry. Remember?" said Mandy.
"It's too depressing not to."
"Your going to make me cry!" cried Mandy.
"He's gone." said Mandy.
"[Kristine keeps crying until her eyes turned red]"
"Kristine! Toughen up!" said Mandy.
"[stops crying] Lets go Mandy. Tell your mom thanks for the ride."
[the next day]
"I wonder why Kevin didn't called yet."
"It's not like he would forget about you just like that, right?" said Mandy.
"I think he found the girl he always dreamed of."
"Oh my god!"
"Raymond! Your here!" shouted Mandy.
"Yup, they let me go for good behavior." said Raymond.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is-" said Raymond.
To be continued....
1. Who is Raymond's friend?
2. Did Kevin forgot on purpose?
Tune in and find out :)

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