Thursday, October 4, 2007

Chapter 8

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"Miss Kristine! Can you please come here?" asked the principal.
"We need to take you to juvenile hall now, so please get ready to go in the car." said the principal.
"I'm sorry, but you must go." said the principal.
"My mother would not allow this!"
"I'm sorry, but your going." said Kristine's mom.
"Mom?,-but why?"
"I'm tired of bailing you out in everything, now it's time you have to go." said Kristine's mom.
"-But I don't want to! Can I have one more chance or something?"
"This is going to be for only 5 days, it's no big deal." said Kristine's mom.
"This sure damn sucks."
"I'm sorry, but as a mother I'm right." said Kristine's mom.
"I know your right, but I don't want to go, that is all."
"Mom! Don't start crying. I'll go for you."
"I love you Kristine." cried Kristine's mom.
"I love you too, I will do fine in jail for 5 days, don't worry about me."
"Well, I have to go to work, bye baby do good in jail." said Kristine's mom.
"I will."

[during school without Kristine]
"Oh my god he's on the floor!"
"He looks dead."
"Oh my god! You guys just stand there and don't do nothing?" said Mandy.
"That is sad!" said Kevin.
"Kevin, call 911 please." said Mandy.
"I will right away." said Kevin.

When Mandy tried to stab herself, Mr.Johnson stopped her, but she didn't know Mr.Johnson was there. Mr.Johnson has been stabbed and they are not sure if he is dead. It seems very likely. Mandy can end up in juvenile hall like Kristine.

"Hello?" said Kevin.
"Yes? What seems to be your problem?" said a police officer.
"There was an accident a few minutes ago, can you please come to my school? It is North Shore High school." said Kevin.
"Okay no more need to explain, we're on our way." said the officer.
"Okay, thank you." said Kevin.
[Kevin hung up]
"They're on their way." said Kevin.
"Okay." said Mandy.
"Should I call Kristine and tell her what happened?" said Kevin.
"No, she will found out some other way." said Mandy.
"Okay." said Kevin.

[Police officers come]
"So where is this accident?" said the officer.
"Right here." pointed Kevin.
"Can some one tell me what happened here?" asked the officer.
"Well, my friend Mandy tried to suicide, but some how Mr.Johnson tried to stop her,but she didn't hear him, so she stabbed him on a accident when she tried to stab herself." answered Kevin.
"Who is this Mandy?" asked the officer.
"It's me." answered Mandy.
"Your in big trouble miss, did you know what you have done?" asked the officer.
"Yes I did, and I was stupid. I'm so sorry!" cried Mandy.
"Sorry isn't enough, this is very serious. You killed some one!" yelled the officer.
"So, what are you going to do with me?" said Mandy.
"Get in the car, I know what to do with you." said the officer.
"Okay." cried Mandy.
"Officer! This is a mistake! Your sending her to jail just because of an accident?" said Kevin.
"You want to come along too?! Then hop in!" yelled the officer.
"-No!" yelled Kevin.
"Don't make me make you go in." said the officer.
"I won't go in! I just don't want Mandy going in." said Kevin.
"[pushes Kevin in] there you go!" said the officer.
"This isn't fair!" yelled Kevin.
"Whatever we're driving both of you to Juvenile Hall now." said the officer.
"Mandy, I think you can see Kristine there." whispered Kevin.
"-And I can tell her what happened!" whispered Mandy.
"Yeah, she probably thinks your dead ha ha." said Kevin.
"Yeah, I think so too." said Mandy.
"No talking in the car!" yelled the officer.
"Yes sir." said Kevin and Mandy.
"We're here!" said the officer.
"Wow, Juvenile Hall looks scary!" said Mandy.
"I never been somewhere this freaky." said Kevin.
"Let me walk you 2 inside." said the officer.
"Okay this is the girl side, let me give you a room mate Mandy." said the officer.
"Okay." said Mandy.
"Kristine Watson! This is your lucky day! You have a room mate." said the officer.
"-But I want my own cell."
"Too bad! Her name is Mandy Mitchells, she will be your new room mate." said the officer.
"Hi Kristine..." said Mandy.
"Okay go in Mandy, so I can lock you up and put Kevin Jackson in a cell." said the officer.
"Okay." said Mandy.
"Here is your room mate Kevin Jackson his name is Raymond Lee." said the officer.
"Kevin?!" yelled Raymond.
"Uh, can I have another room mate?" asked Kevin.
"No, sorry the other people has a room mate already." said the officer.
"Dammit!" yelled Kevin.

[Back in the girls cell]
"Mandy! I thought you were dead!"
"Nope, I'm alive." responded Mandy.
"What are you in here for?"
"I was accused of suicide and I stabbed Mr.Johnson on a accident and he died." said Mandy.
"Really?! When I get back from school, it will be the happiest day in my life."
"I guess." said Mandy.
"Why is Kevin here?"
"He is here because he tried to convince the officer to let me go, but they got mad at him so they threw him in the car too." said Mandy.
"That sure sucks, I think his room mate is Raymond."
"Really?!" yelled Mandy.
"Yes! I hope he does okay in there."
"Yeah, poor Kevin!" said Mandy.
"I know!"

[Guys cell]
"We had some unfinished business we need to take care of." said Raymond.
"I think it's finish! Please don't hurt me" said Kevin.
"Of course not! If I get into another fight, I'm staying here even longer." yelled Raymond.
"So, we're cool?" said Kevin.
"Of course not, I will beat you up when I get out of here." said Raymond.
"Sucks." cried Kevin.
"-But we're cool in the cell." said Raymond.
"Sure, why not." said Kevin.
"So why you in here for?" asked Raymond.
"Well, it's all because Mandy tried to suicide because Lori and Cindy made up a rumor that Mandy is jealous of Kristine because she is with me. And everyone kept making fun of her, so she tried to suicide, but Mr.Johnson was there and tried to stop her, but she didn't hear him, so she stabbed him on a accident when she tried to stab herself. And when the officers came they put her in the car, but I tried to convince them not to, but they god pissed off at me,so they threw me in the car with Mandy." said Kevin.
"Damn I think I know why I'm in jail now! It's not because of you! It's because of Lori and Cindy! Oh my god it was there fault!" yelled Raymond.
"You found out?" said Kevin.
"Man, I'm so sorry Kevin." said Raymond.
"I'm gonna beat the shit out of those twins." yelled Raymond.
"So how long are you going to be in jail?" asked Kevin.
"A month, you?" asked Raymond.
"5 days,so is Kristine and Mandy." responded Kevin.
"Oh, damn I'm going to be here alone!" said Raymond.
"Ha ha it isn't that bad." said Kevin.
"I wish those twins end up in here." said Raymond.
"Me too, actually every one does." said Kevin.

[5 days later]
"You 3 are free to go." said the officer.
"Thank you!"
"Yay! Finally free!" screamed Mandy.
"Yeah!" said Kevin.
"Lets go back to school and see what we have missed." said Mandy.
"Sure." said Kevin.

[at school]
"Oh my god! What happened!"
"What the fuck!" screamed Mandy.
"Oh no!" yelled Kevin.
To be continued....
1. Why did Kristine,Mandy, and Kevin came back to school with a scream?
Tune in and find out :)

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