Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chapter 6

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"You know that play Romeo and Juliet?" asked Kevin.
"Yeah! It's by William Shakespeare."
"Me and Mandy was playing in it, but it's in our version." said Kevin.
"Oh! Now I get it. Why didn't you tell me you were in it?"
"Uh, hello! You never answered my calls or messages." said Kevin.
"Oh yeah! But couldn't you like fake kissed or at least on the cheek?"
"Well, that lady won't let us. It has to be for real, and plus we get something called cash, and a lot of it!" said Kevin.
"Really? What were you going to do with all of that money?"
"I was trying to have a fancy date with you." said Kevin.
"Really? I'm left speechless he he."
"I tried to save enough money from my job, but it doesn't seem enough." said Kevin.
"Aw, at least you tried. Thats the nicest thing any guy ever did for me."
"Of course, because I love you." said Kevin.
"I love you too."
"Ha ha [hugs]" said Kevin.
"I think Mandy is turning emotional and I also think she hates me."
"She's not!" yelled Kevin.
"I think."
"Why is she turning emotional and why would she hate on you?" asked Kevin.
"I don't know! I said I was thinking."
"Why don't you solve this with her?" asked Kevin.
"I tried, but she wouldn't talk to me."
"Then I'll solve it!" exclaimed Kevin.
"Ha ha super hero!"
"Yup!" said Kevin.
"I'll solve it during lunch." said Kevin.
"Good luck!"
"Why would I need luck? I'm too good." said Kevin.
"Well, sometimes you do super hero."
"Well, I'm going to go to 4th period Ms.Kay is a pain in the ass!" yelled Kevin.
"Ha ha bye Kevin!"
"Bye Kristine! [hug]" said Kevin.

"Mandy! There you are!" yelled Kevin.
"Hi Kevin, hows it going with life?" said Mandy.
"Good, it looks like you hate life?" asked Kevin.
"Yeah, I guess? Life hates me." cried Mandy.
"No its not, life loves you, you just think it is." said Kevin.
"Really?" asked Mandy.
"Yeah, really." said Kevin.
"I guess." said Mandy.
"Well the reason why I'm here is that why are you mad at Kristine?" asked Kevin.
"She just pisses me off sometimes, thats all." said Mandy.
"So are you still best friends with her?" asked Kevin.
"I hope I am. I just want to be best friends with Kristine again, but I think she hates me now because of what I said." said Mandy.
"Why would I hate you?"
"Kristine?!" said Mandy.
"Mandy, do you hate me?"
"Of course not, I thought you hated me." said Mandy.
"Can we be best friends again?"
"Yeah, I would like that a lot." said Mandy.
"Yay, finally you two are friends again." said Kevin.
"Hey Mandy, want to go shopping later?"
"Oh my god! I'd love to!" said Mandy.
"Okay, which mall should we go to?"
"Hmm..Lets see, want to go to Endless?" asked Mandy.
"Oh my god! Hell yeah! I fascinate that mall!"
"He he." said Mandy.

[court yard]
"Do you think Kristine forgot about us?" asked Cindy.
"Of course not! Why would she do such a thing?" asked Lori.
"-Because she is with her best friend Mandy." said Cindy.
"Well, I guess your right." said Lori.
"We need to think of a plan to get rid of this girl!" yelled Cindy.
"She stole our best friend!" yelled Lori.
"Not to mention our closest friend!" cried Cindy.
"I have an idea!" screamed Lori.
"What is it?" asked Cindy.
"We should make up a rumor and say that Mandy hates Kristine because she is jealous of her being with Kevin."
"Smart plan!" exclaimed Cindy.
"I know huh!" said Lori.
"Lets spread it to everyone in the whole school!" yelled Cindy.
"Okay I'm right behind you!" said Lori.

"Hey Amber! Did you know that Mandy wants to fight Kristine because she is jealous of her being with Kevin?" asked Lori.
"Really? I have to tell it to people. I want to see this fight!" said Amber.
"Okay, you think that the whole school will know it after school?" asked Cindy.
"Of course, because I spread rumors really fast when you say it to me." said Amber.
"Don't worry about it, Everyone in the entire school will know about it, even the teachers!" said Amber.
"Wow, your good." said Cindy.
"Yup, well I have to do business and spread it to everyone!" said Amber.
"Thanks a lot!" said Lori and Cindy.
"Why thank me? I love spreading it! It's what I do." said Amber.
"Wow, your bad!" said Lori.
"Yup, ha ha well, I'm going now! Bye!" said Amber.
"Bye." said Lori and Cindy.

[After school]

"Oh my gosh Mandy! You really going to fight her?" asked a girl.
"What do you mean?" said Mandy.
"Your sad Mandy!" said another girl.
"Nobody likes you just leave that poor girl alone." said a guy.
"What?" yelled Mandy.
"They're saying that you are going to fight Kristine because you are jealous of her being with Kevin." said Amber.
"What? When did I ever say that? Somebody spread a fake rumor and I will find out sooner or later! Do you know who spread it?" asked Mandy.
"Nope, no idea what so ever." said Amber.
"Oh okay, I hope this doesn't ruin the shopping thing me and Kristine is going today." said Mandy.
"I guess." said Amber.
"Mandy? Are you jealous of me or something? I thought we're cool now? What the hell happened?" asked Kristine.
"Oh my god nothing!" yelled Mandy.
"I think we should go shopping some other time, I'm too pissed off right now sorry." said Kristine.
"Ughh, I hope that person is happy, they ruined my day with my best friend."

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