Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chapter 7

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[The next day]
"Mandy you sure damn suck." said a person.
"I can't believe you Mandy, you try to take Kevin away from Kristine again?" said another.
"Your pathetic." said another person.
"What did I do? Everyone is so dumb." said Mandy.
"Kristine? You don't believe in this nonsense right?" asked Mandy.
"I don't really know anymore."
"What? You don't believe me?" yelled Mandy.
"I don't know!"
"Kristine, I thought we're best friends, and best friends trust each other." cried Mandy.
"Hmph, I just don't want to discuss this."
"Kristine! Don't leave me!" cried Mandy.
"I'm sorry."

[Kristine leaves]
"Back to square one, being emotional." cried Mandy.
"Ha ha!" said Cindy.
"Your a loser." said Lori.
"What? Why are you talking to me like that? I thought you were my friends." said Mandy.
"We know you try to fight Kristine, don't lie!" said Cindy.
"-But I didn't!" yelled Mandy.
"Whatever!" chuckled Lori.
"I'm going to find out sooner or later who said that!" said Mandy.
"Just wait at lunch!" yelled Mandy.
"Okay then." said Cindy.

[4th period]
I wonder if Mandy was really telling the truth. I can't take any more chances! I just don't know whats happening in life anymore. I'm so depressed, but I wonder how depressed Mandy is. She's probably fine. She wouldn't do anything stupid would she? No she wouldn't! I know Mandy, she wouldn't do such a thing. Only dumb people would. Hm, Oh my god am I day dreaming? I need to wake up!

"Kristine! This is the 3rd time this week I had to wake you up! One more time, your going to the office with a referral coming your way!" yelled Mr.Johnson.
"Yes sir."
"Ha ha, she's so dumb!" chuckled a girl.
"Oh my god! Shut the fuck up!"
"Thats it Kristine! Take your things with you, I'm bringing you to the principal." said Mr.Johnson.
"What did I do?!"
"You cursed and did you read my rules? Lately?" said Mr.Johnson.
"Oh my god! Fine I'll go damn."

"Why are you in here for?" asked a staff member.
"I was sleeping in class 3 times straight this week and I also cursed."
"Shame on you! We are going to give you a 2 day suspension." said a staff member.
"Fine with me, I don't care anymore!"
"Sure you don't, thats why your going to have a bad future ahead of you." said a staff member.
"I don't care! Can you hear me?!"
"Just fill out this form young lady." said a staff member.
"I'm going to call your mother now." said a staff member.
"Go ahead."

[staff member on the phone]
"Hello Miss Watson? This is a staff member at Kristine's school."
"Oh hello. What did Kristine do this time?" said Kristine's mom.
"She is going to have a 2 day suspension and she can not go into the school for those 2 days or else she will face some serious punishment." said the staff member.
"What did she do?" asked Kristine's mom.
"She slept in class 3 times this week and she also cursed." said the staff member.
"I will have punishment for her at home." said Kristine's mom.
"Thank you, well come and pick her up, she will be waiting for you in the office." said the staff member.
"Okay, thank you very much." said Kristine's mom.

[Kristine's mom comes]
"Hello, I'm here to pick up my daughter Kristine?" said Kristine's mom.
"Oh, there you are, she's right here." said the staff member.
"Hi mommy..."
"Kristine! You are in serious trouble young lady!" yelled Kristine's mom.
"Well, we're going to go now, bye!" said Kristine's mom.
"Bye, drive safely!" said the staff member.

I knew that my mom was lying. She doesn't care if I get suspension because she knows I'm a great child and trusts me 100%. I saw that wink on her face when she was yelling at me in the office. My mom is the best! I would never choose any other moms in the entire world to replace her.

[in the car]
"Kristine, am I a good actress or what?" asked Kristine's mom.
"Yeah! Your so good! Ha ha."
"Well, you heard the staff lady, she said do not go to the school for 2 days unless you want to have serious punishment there, I think they are going to make you transfer schools or get expelled or some sort." said Kristine's mom.
"I won't."
"Okay." said Kristine's mom.

[At home]
"It's so boring being at home, I can't talk to any of my friends! Well, It's almost lunch time, maybe I can call them then. I wonder if they pick up. Wait, it's my friends! They're too bad to not pick up. And plus it's lunch time, they always have their cell phones out. Let me try calling them. Hmm, who to call first? I'll call Kevin.

"Hello?" answered Kevin.
"Hi Kevin! I got suspension for 2 days for cursing and sleeping in class. It's me Kristine."
"Aw, thats so gay!" said Kevin.
"Well, I don't really care, so tell me about school. What did I miss?"
"Not really much."
"Oh, boring days, Ha ha."
"I see a huge crowd! I think it's a fight." yelled Kevin.
"Really?! Who's fighting?"
"I can't really see!" said Kevin.
"Gasp! Kevin I want to know!"
"I'm trying to see here." said Kevin.
"Who is it?"
"It's Lori, Cindy, and Mandy?!" yelled Kevin.
"Yeah!" said Kevin.
"I need to come right away!"
"-But your suspended remember? How can you go to school?" asked Kevin.
"I can sneak in! Duh!"
"Well, I'll try to cover you." said Kevin.
"Go in the back okay? Nobody guards there."
"Okay." said Kevin.
"Bye!" said Kevin.
"I'll see you at school in like 3 minutes. Bye."

[before Kristine came]
"Oh my god! Why doesn't anybody leave me alone! I didn't do anything!" cried Mandy.
"Mandy stop lying! We know you want to fight our best friend.!" yelled Lori.
"Yeah, you bitch." yelled Cindy.
"Thats it, I'm tired of yelling! Time for some action [slaps Mandy.]" said Lori.
"Oh my god! That really hurts you know!" cried Mandy.
"Oh want more?[Kicks Mandy and socks her.]" said Cindy.
"I didn't do anything wrong with you people!" cried Mandy.

[Kristine comes]
"Kevin shield me!"
"I am! Hurry they're fist fighting!" yelled Kevin.
"Oh my god! What the hell is wrong with them!"
"I don't know." said Kevin.
"Kristine! I'm getting beat up here!" yelled Mandy.
"Why the hell are you 3 fighting for?!"
"-Because!" said Cindy.
"-Because we're the ones that started the rumor that Mandy is going to fight you because she is jealous of you and Kevin." said Lori.
"What?! It was you 2?" yelled Mandy.
"Yes, it was." chuckled Cindy.
"I just want to die!" screamed Mandy.
"Mandy! You won't!"
"Oh yes I will!"
"I will die! Farewell everyone. Enjoy life when I'm gone! And Kristine your my best friend and I'm sorry, but its my turn to visit the sky![Pulls out knife]." cried Mandy.
"No! Mandy don't!"
[security guards come]
"Kristine, we need to take you to the office!" yelled the security guards.
"No! Not right now! My best friend is going to die! No!!"
"We're going to drag you then!" said the security guards.
"No! Kevin try to not make Mandy die!"
"I'll try my best!" said Kevin.

"I'm sorry for going to school."
"Sorry doesn't mean your not going to do this again while on suspension." said the principal.
"You are sentenced to Juvenile Hall for 5 days! No exceptions, I already called your mom and she agreed!" yelled the principal.
"What?! I can't go there! My friend is about to die!"
"Too bad!" said the principal.

I don't even know if Kevin handled Mandy. I'm not sure if she is alive. What do I do? Life is so crazy these days when it comes to death of friends at a early age. My best friend forever might die! She was my first best friend ever, and now she can die! I wonder how her parents feel. I just wonder! Will she live or not.
To be continued....

1. Is Mandy going to die?
2. Will Kristine be on even more serious punishment?
toon in and find out :)

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