Thursday, October 11, 2007

Chapter 10

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"Why don't you introduce yourself?" asked Raymond.
-Raymond's friend turns around-
"Hi Kristine and Mandy." said Kevin.
"Oh my god! Kevin! How can it be?!"
"Kevin!I knew your back looked familiar!" said Mandy.
"Shouldn't you be in Florida?"
"Well, my dad just wanted to be home, which is here, so we we went on the air plane back to California when we went to Florida." said Kevin.
"I love your dad!"
"I thought your supposed to love me." said Kevin.
"I love you more Kevin, more than you will ever know."
"I remember that line, it was a while back when you said it." said Kevin.
"Yeah, I know."
"Mandy, lets leave these 2 love birds alone." whispered Raymond.
"Okay, so where do you want to go?" asked Mandy.
"Cafeteria? I'm hungry." said Raymond.
"Sure." said Mandy.
[Mandy and Raymond at the cafeteria]
"Raymond, isn't that Lori and Cindy?" pointed Mandy.
"Oh my god! Those sluts, I swear I just want to kick their asses." said Raymond.
"-But Raymond, they're girls." said Mandy.
"Well, they're the reason why I ended up in juvenile hall! And they made our school closed down! And made Kristine asked me out when I liked someone, but-" said Raymond.
"Who did you like?" asked Mandy.
"-It doesn't matter." said Raymond.
"Come on, I won't tell." said Mandy.
"[blushes] It's you." said Raymond.
"Really? Thats so sweet Raymond." said Mandy.
"Do you like me too?" said Raymond.
"[grabs Raymond's hand] I'd love to go out with you." said Mandy.
"Your the nicest and prettiest girl." said Raymond.
"He he thanks, your not so bad yourself." said Mandy.
"Lets just forget about Lori and Cindy and tell Kevin and Kristine we are a couple." said Raymond.
"Yeah!" shouted Mandy.
[When Mandy and Raymond went to Kristine and Kevin..]
"Hey-" said Raymond.
"Ew, get a room! Stop making out!" shouted Mandy.
"Gosh, we can't kiss?"
"Well anyway, I have big news!" said Mandy.
"What is it?" asked Kevin.
"Me and Raymond are a couple!" shouted Mandy.
"Oh my gosh! You both look so cute together."
"Yeah, but not as adorable as me and Kristine, ha ha just kidding, but both of you look really cute, like what Kristine said." said Kevin.
"Thanks!" said Mandy.
"Yeah, anyway we saw Lori and Cindy in the cafeteria." said Raymond.
"Really? Oh my god I need to beat them up."
"It's okay Kristine, take it easy." said Kevin.
"Ha ha I will."
"Lets confront them! And like bring a whole gang from our old school and jump them because thats the reason why they can't see some of their friends that has to split to another school." said Mandy.
"Yeah! But how do we tell them?"
"This is why Amber comes in handy." said Kevin.
"Yeah! I was about to say that too." said Raymond.
"Ha ha, well anyone has Amber's number? Unless you want to look for her in the whole entire school." asked Kevin.
"I have her number!" shouted Mandy.
"Okay, what is it?" asked Kevin.
"It's [censored]" said Mandy.
"Kay, I'm going to call her now." said Kevin.
[Amber picks up]
"Hello?" said Kevin.
"Who's this?" asked Amber.
"It's Kevin. Can you do me a favor?" asked Kevin.
"Hmm, depends. What's in it for me." said Amber.
"Well! What do you want?" said Kevin.
"Hmm, 100 bucks would be nice." said Amber.
"Well, your not worth it." said Kevin.
"You know that if you don't use me, your just inviting darkness down your path." said Amber.
"What?" asked Kevin.
"I will know whats your plan soon!" said Amber.
"Whatever." said Kevin.
[hangs up on Amber]
"Well, whats the news?"
"Ugh, Amber is a bitch." said Kevin.
"What she do?"
"She said she will do it for 100 bucks." said Kevin.
"What an asshole!" shouted Mandy.
"I know really!" said Raymond.
"Well, someone can do it."
"Hmm..who wants to beat the shit out of Cindy and Lori?"
"Woah! When did we ever say we were going to beat their asses?" asked Mandy.
"Well, I didn't say anything about it." said Kevin.
"Yeah, I thought we were like making it safe, then the bam is later." said Raymond.
"Bam? Ha ha!"
"Yes! Bam bam bam." said Raymond.
"Sick!" said Mandy.
"Your making me laugh so hard!" giggled Kevin.
"Anyway, about Lori and Cindy, what are we going to do with them?"
"Hmm...ideas anyone?" asked Kevin.
"I got an idea!" shouted Mandy.
"What is it?"
"Well, you know that they are always at the cafeteria right?" said Mandy.
"Well, one of us can dress up as a new kid, and like tell them to show one of you around and like all of us would just hide in the snack bar and when they show her it there we all go jump on Lori and Cindy." said Mandy.
"Well, I can tell my cousin to go to St. More so they wouldn't recognize her and everything and she would get her schedule too and stuff so it's more convincing."
"Yeah! Thats brilliant." shouted Mandy.
"I know! I'm a genius!"
"Yes you are baby." said Kevin.
"Ha ha Kevin!" said Raymond.
"Yeah!" said Kevin.
"You guys are so funny!"
"So uh, I'm going to tell my cousin to come here and uh I will call her when I get home because I forgot her number."
"What kind of cousin are you? Forget your own cousin's number. Ha ha you know I'm just kidding, right?" said Mandy.
"Of course, I am a bad cousin. Ha ha."
"Well, I'd have to get to class."
"Bye peoples."
"Bye." said everyone.

[5th period]
"Ms.Jameson, my sister Lori and I are transferring schools." said Cindy.
"Really? I'm going to miss you. Well, before you can leave, you have to give me your text books, your sister too." said Ms.Jameson.
"Oh, I forgot about them. Can I give them to you tomorrow?" asked Cindy.
"Of course." said Ms.Jameson.

When I heard her tell Ms.Jameson that her and Lori are leaving St. More I couldn't believe it at all! I have to know why are they moving. I know it must be fake! Why would they leave? Hmm..well they don't really have friends and are quite loners. Well, you never know! I have to tell Mandy,Kevin, and Raymond before they do something stupid like I know they would. I have to find them after school!

[after school]
"Lori! Cindy!"
"Look, it's the stupid girl." chuckled Lori.
"Ha ha!" giggled Cindy.
"Why the hell are you 2 moving?"
"-Because we can!" shouted Cindy.
"Yeah! Got a problem with it? Than deal with it. We don't give a fuck about you bitch." shouted Lori.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! You got some anger issues you need to deal with. You got the wrong person to deal with. Hella` stupid you fucking ugly ass whore!"
"Wow, we shouldn't talk to low class people, Lori." said Cindy.
"Yeah! Can't say nothing, thats what I thought you fucking pussies!"
"Ms.Kristine!" shouted the principal behind me.
"Hi Ms.Simmons..."
"Would you like to visit the office with me?" asked the principal.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, you do. Come on." said the principal.
"Ha ha, see we always win. She doesn't have class!" chuckled Cindy.
"I'll be back! Wait and see!"

When I came in the office with my backpack and everything, the principal told me something that I couldn't say oh my god to. It felt like something just hit me and woke me up! I can't believe it! Really?!
To be continued...

Stop and think questions!
1.What is Kristine freaked about?
2. Is Lori and Cindy lying about transferring?
Tune in and find out!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Chapter 9

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"What are they doing?"
"I don't know." said Mandy.
"Let me ask that guy over there." said Kevin.
"Hey! Did you know what happened to the school?" asked Kevin.
"Yeah, they are shutting it down because it has too many accidents in one year and everybody is doing really bad in tests." said the person.
"Are you serious?!"
"This couldn't have happened." cried Mandy.
"This is just all a night mare." yelled Kevin.
"We might have to split up."
"I'll go to the same school as you! I'm sure of it, so what school are you going to go to?" asked Mandy.
"Well, I guess I'm going to St. More high school then because most of my relatives go there and it's quite close to my house."
"Oh, good thing we're neighbors." said Mandy.
"I guess I'm the one thats going to have to split up." cried Kevin.
"What school are you going to?" asked Mandy.
"It's not around here..." said Kevin.
"What do you mean?" asked Mandy.
"He is saying that he is moving somewhere really far..."
"No!" yelled Mandy.
"I'm moving to Florida." cried Kevin.
"So your leaving California?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to say it at a good time." said Kevin.
"Kevin, don't leave me."
"My dad just got a new job in Florida." cried Kevin.
"-But will you come back to visit?"
"I asked my dad, he said it was a waste of money and time." said Kevin.
"What?! Doesn't he care about his friends here?" yelled Mandy.
"Well, not really." said Kevin.
"Your dad is so mean!"
"I know!" said Mandy.
"Thats my dad.." cried Kevin.
"So when are you leaving Kevin?" asked Mandy.
"Tomorrow." said Kevin.
"You can't just do that to me Kevin!"
"I'm sorry Kristine, I'll try to call you when I'm there." said Kevin.
"-But, It's just not the same. I really hate far relation ships and I know you do too. At some point, your going to fall for another girl."
"-Kristine, your the only one for me." cried Kevin.
"I love you Kevin, I will really miss you."
"Can I at least go to the air port with you before you leave?"
"Sure, I guess." said Kevin.
"I want to come too." said Mandy.
"You two must really care about me huh?" said Kevin.
"Kevin, what do you think? We've been going out since 1st grade. I would never want to lose you."
"And I just want to come because I knew you since pre-k and we've been really good friends." said Mandy.
"Well, I have to go home and pack all of my things." said Kevin.
"Bye Kevin, I will call you soon."
"Bye Kev." said Mandy.
"Bye you two." teared Kevin.
[Kevin leaves]
"Oh my god! He's actually leaving me."
"Kristine, don't cry!" yelled Mandy.
"I just have to."
"Toughen up! He's leaving theres no need to cry." said Mandy.
"I guess your right."
"Yeah!" yelled Mandy.
"Well, I already miss him already."
"Lets go sign up for St. More now before other people sign up."
"Kay." said Mandy.
[St. More]
"Hey can we sign up for St. More?" asked Mandy.
"Yes, there are many spots left." said the principal.
"Yay! We made it Kristine!" shouted Mandy.
"Why is your friend crying?" asked the principal.
"Uh, she has some issues at home." said Mandy.
[after some paperwork]
"Okay you two are finish! Come to school tomorrow! Have a nice day!" said the principal.
"You too!" said Mandy.
[at home on the phone]
"Mandy, it's so frustrating!"
"Well, I have to go take a shower. Call me back later. Bye." said Mandy.
"[calls Kevin]"
"Hello?" said Kevin.
"Hi Kevin, you finish packing?"
"I made a mistake-" said Kevin.
"Your not moving? Hurray! I'm going to go over and hug you!"
"No, I am moving, but my air plane ride is coming today." said Kevin.
"What?! When are you leaving?"
"In 10 minutes. Come over now!" said Kevin.
"-But Mandy is in the shower!"
"Tell her to go now, before I'm late." said Kevin.
"Kay. I'm going to her house now. Call my cell phone okay?"
"Kay." said Kevin.
[Knocks door at Mandy's house]
"Hi Mandy's mom."
"Hi Kristine, Mandy is taking a shower right now." said Mandy's mom.
"This is very important, can you tell her to change now?"
"Okay. Wait." said Mandy's mom.
"-And can you also tell her Kevin is leaving today?"
"Okay." said Mandy's mom.
"Mandy! Come out here right now! Kristine is here and she said Kevin's air plane is about to leave right now." screamed Mandy's mom.
"Oh my god! I have to change now." said Mandy.
"Coming!" yelled Mandy.
[Kristine's cell phone rings]
"Kristine, it's too late I'm leaving now." said Kevin.
"Dammit! [Kristine hangs up]"
"I think we can still make it if we have a driver."
"I can drive!" shouted Mandy's mom.
"Can you take me and Mandy to the air port?"
"Sure!" said Mandy's mom.
"Kay I'm done!" said Mandy.
"Why are we going in my car? asked Mandy.
"Because Kevin already left. I think we can still make it."
[Mandy's mom driving]
"You just had to shower!"
"Well, sorry!" said Mandy.
"I think they are already there."
"It's not too late!" said Mandy.
[Kevin arrives at the air port]
"Well it's time to go. Bye California.." said Kevin.
"I wish I can see Kristine again." said Kevin.
[Kevin gets on the air plane]
"[sigh]" said Kevin.
[Mandy and Kristine arrives]
"Oh my god! His air plane is getting ready to take off!"
"I'm sorry Kristine." said Mandy.
"It's okay.."
"Kristine! Don't cry. Remember?" said Mandy.
"It's too depressing not to."
"Your going to make me cry!" cried Mandy.
"He's gone." said Mandy.
"[Kristine keeps crying until her eyes turned red]"
"Kristine! Toughen up!" said Mandy.
"[stops crying] Lets go Mandy. Tell your mom thanks for the ride."
[the next day]
"I wonder why Kevin didn't called yet."
"It's not like he would forget about you just like that, right?" said Mandy.
"I think he found the girl he always dreamed of."
"Oh my god!"
"Raymond! Your here!" shouted Mandy.
"Yup, they let me go for good behavior." said Raymond.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is-" said Raymond.
To be continued....
1. Who is Raymond's friend?
2. Did Kevin forgot on purpose?
Tune in and find out :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Chapter 8

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

"Miss Kristine! Can you please come here?" asked the principal.
"We need to take you to juvenile hall now, so please get ready to go in the car." said the principal.
"I'm sorry, but you must go." said the principal.
"My mother would not allow this!"
"I'm sorry, but your going." said Kristine's mom.
"Mom?,-but why?"
"I'm tired of bailing you out in everything, now it's time you have to go." said Kristine's mom.
"-But I don't want to! Can I have one more chance or something?"
"This is going to be for only 5 days, it's no big deal." said Kristine's mom.
"This sure damn sucks."
"I'm sorry, but as a mother I'm right." said Kristine's mom.
"I know your right, but I don't want to go, that is all."
"Mom! Don't start crying. I'll go for you."
"I love you Kristine." cried Kristine's mom.
"I love you too, I will do fine in jail for 5 days, don't worry about me."
"Well, I have to go to work, bye baby do good in jail." said Kristine's mom.
"I will."

[during school without Kristine]
"Oh my god he's on the floor!"
"He looks dead."
"Oh my god! You guys just stand there and don't do nothing?" said Mandy.
"That is sad!" said Kevin.
"Kevin, call 911 please." said Mandy.
"I will right away." said Kevin.

When Mandy tried to stab herself, Mr.Johnson stopped her, but she didn't know Mr.Johnson was there. Mr.Johnson has been stabbed and they are not sure if he is dead. It seems very likely. Mandy can end up in juvenile hall like Kristine.

"Hello?" said Kevin.
"Yes? What seems to be your problem?" said a police officer.
"There was an accident a few minutes ago, can you please come to my school? It is North Shore High school." said Kevin.
"Okay no more need to explain, we're on our way." said the officer.
"Okay, thank you." said Kevin.
[Kevin hung up]
"They're on their way." said Kevin.
"Okay." said Mandy.
"Should I call Kristine and tell her what happened?" said Kevin.
"No, she will found out some other way." said Mandy.
"Okay." said Kevin.

[Police officers come]
"So where is this accident?" said the officer.
"Right here." pointed Kevin.
"Can some one tell me what happened here?" asked the officer.
"Well, my friend Mandy tried to suicide, but some how Mr.Johnson tried to stop her,but she didn't hear him, so she stabbed him on a accident when she tried to stab herself." answered Kevin.
"Who is this Mandy?" asked the officer.
"It's me." answered Mandy.
"Your in big trouble miss, did you know what you have done?" asked the officer.
"Yes I did, and I was stupid. I'm so sorry!" cried Mandy.
"Sorry isn't enough, this is very serious. You killed some one!" yelled the officer.
"So, what are you going to do with me?" said Mandy.
"Get in the car, I know what to do with you." said the officer.
"Okay." cried Mandy.
"Officer! This is a mistake! Your sending her to jail just because of an accident?" said Kevin.
"You want to come along too?! Then hop in!" yelled the officer.
"-No!" yelled Kevin.
"Don't make me make you go in." said the officer.
"I won't go in! I just don't want Mandy going in." said Kevin.
"[pushes Kevin in] there you go!" said the officer.
"This isn't fair!" yelled Kevin.
"Whatever we're driving both of you to Juvenile Hall now." said the officer.
"Mandy, I think you can see Kristine there." whispered Kevin.
"-And I can tell her what happened!" whispered Mandy.
"Yeah, she probably thinks your dead ha ha." said Kevin.
"Yeah, I think so too." said Mandy.
"No talking in the car!" yelled the officer.
"Yes sir." said Kevin and Mandy.
"We're here!" said the officer.
"Wow, Juvenile Hall looks scary!" said Mandy.
"I never been somewhere this freaky." said Kevin.
"Let me walk you 2 inside." said the officer.
"Okay this is the girl side, let me give you a room mate Mandy." said the officer.
"Okay." said Mandy.
"Kristine Watson! This is your lucky day! You have a room mate." said the officer.
"-But I want my own cell."
"Too bad! Her name is Mandy Mitchells, she will be your new room mate." said the officer.
"Hi Kristine..." said Mandy.
"Okay go in Mandy, so I can lock you up and put Kevin Jackson in a cell." said the officer.
"Okay." said Mandy.
"Here is your room mate Kevin Jackson his name is Raymond Lee." said the officer.
"Kevin?!" yelled Raymond.
"Uh, can I have another room mate?" asked Kevin.
"No, sorry the other people has a room mate already." said the officer.
"Dammit!" yelled Kevin.

[Back in the girls cell]
"Mandy! I thought you were dead!"
"Nope, I'm alive." responded Mandy.
"What are you in here for?"
"I was accused of suicide and I stabbed Mr.Johnson on a accident and he died." said Mandy.
"Really?! When I get back from school, it will be the happiest day in my life."
"I guess." said Mandy.
"Why is Kevin here?"
"He is here because he tried to convince the officer to let me go, but they got mad at him so they threw him in the car too." said Mandy.
"That sure sucks, I think his room mate is Raymond."
"Really?!" yelled Mandy.
"Yes! I hope he does okay in there."
"Yeah, poor Kevin!" said Mandy.
"I know!"

[Guys cell]
"We had some unfinished business we need to take care of." said Raymond.
"I think it's finish! Please don't hurt me" said Kevin.
"Of course not! If I get into another fight, I'm staying here even longer." yelled Raymond.
"So, we're cool?" said Kevin.
"Of course not, I will beat you up when I get out of here." said Raymond.
"Sucks." cried Kevin.
"-But we're cool in the cell." said Raymond.
"Sure, why not." said Kevin.
"So why you in here for?" asked Raymond.
"Well, it's all because Mandy tried to suicide because Lori and Cindy made up a rumor that Mandy is jealous of Kristine because she is with me. And everyone kept making fun of her, so she tried to suicide, but Mr.Johnson was there and tried to stop her, but she didn't hear him, so she stabbed him on a accident when she tried to stab herself. And when the officers came they put her in the car, but I tried to convince them not to, but they god pissed off at me,so they threw me in the car with Mandy." said Kevin.
"Damn I think I know why I'm in jail now! It's not because of you! It's because of Lori and Cindy! Oh my god it was there fault!" yelled Raymond.
"You found out?" said Kevin.
"Man, I'm so sorry Kevin." said Raymond.
"I'm gonna beat the shit out of those twins." yelled Raymond.
"So how long are you going to be in jail?" asked Kevin.
"A month, you?" asked Raymond.
"5 days,so is Kristine and Mandy." responded Kevin.
"Oh, damn I'm going to be here alone!" said Raymond.
"Ha ha it isn't that bad." said Kevin.
"I wish those twins end up in here." said Raymond.
"Me too, actually every one does." said Kevin.

[5 days later]
"You 3 are free to go." said the officer.
"Thank you!"
"Yay! Finally free!" screamed Mandy.
"Yeah!" said Kevin.
"Lets go back to school and see what we have missed." said Mandy.
"Sure." said Kevin.

[at school]
"Oh my god! What happened!"
"What the fuck!" screamed Mandy.
"Oh no!" yelled Kevin.
To be continued....
1. Why did Kristine,Mandy, and Kevin came back to school with a scream?
Tune in and find out :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chapter 7

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

[The next day]
"Mandy you sure damn suck." said a person.
"I can't believe you Mandy, you try to take Kevin away from Kristine again?" said another.
"Your pathetic." said another person.
"What did I do? Everyone is so dumb." said Mandy.
"Kristine? You don't believe in this nonsense right?" asked Mandy.
"I don't really know anymore."
"What? You don't believe me?" yelled Mandy.
"I don't know!"
"Kristine, I thought we're best friends, and best friends trust each other." cried Mandy.
"Hmph, I just don't want to discuss this."
"Kristine! Don't leave me!" cried Mandy.
"I'm sorry."

[Kristine leaves]
"Back to square one, being emotional." cried Mandy.
"Ha ha!" said Cindy.
"Your a loser." said Lori.
"What? Why are you talking to me like that? I thought you were my friends." said Mandy.
"We know you try to fight Kristine, don't lie!" said Cindy.
"-But I didn't!" yelled Mandy.
"Whatever!" chuckled Lori.
"I'm going to find out sooner or later who said that!" said Mandy.
"Just wait at lunch!" yelled Mandy.
"Okay then." said Cindy.

[4th period]
I wonder if Mandy was really telling the truth. I can't take any more chances! I just don't know whats happening in life anymore. I'm so depressed, but I wonder how depressed Mandy is. She's probably fine. She wouldn't do anything stupid would she? No she wouldn't! I know Mandy, she wouldn't do such a thing. Only dumb people would. Hm, Oh my god am I day dreaming? I need to wake up!

"Kristine! This is the 3rd time this week I had to wake you up! One more time, your going to the office with a referral coming your way!" yelled Mr.Johnson.
"Yes sir."
"Ha ha, she's so dumb!" chuckled a girl.
"Oh my god! Shut the fuck up!"
"Thats it Kristine! Take your things with you, I'm bringing you to the principal." said Mr.Johnson.
"What did I do?!"
"You cursed and did you read my rules? Lately?" said Mr.Johnson.
"Oh my god! Fine I'll go damn."

"Why are you in here for?" asked a staff member.
"I was sleeping in class 3 times straight this week and I also cursed."
"Shame on you! We are going to give you a 2 day suspension." said a staff member.
"Fine with me, I don't care anymore!"
"Sure you don't, thats why your going to have a bad future ahead of you." said a staff member.
"I don't care! Can you hear me?!"
"Just fill out this form young lady." said a staff member.
"I'm going to call your mother now." said a staff member.
"Go ahead."

[staff member on the phone]
"Hello Miss Watson? This is a staff member at Kristine's school."
"Oh hello. What did Kristine do this time?" said Kristine's mom.
"She is going to have a 2 day suspension and she can not go into the school for those 2 days or else she will face some serious punishment." said the staff member.
"What did she do?" asked Kristine's mom.
"She slept in class 3 times this week and she also cursed." said the staff member.
"I will have punishment for her at home." said Kristine's mom.
"Thank you, well come and pick her up, she will be waiting for you in the office." said the staff member.
"Okay, thank you very much." said Kristine's mom.

[Kristine's mom comes]
"Hello, I'm here to pick up my daughter Kristine?" said Kristine's mom.
"Oh, there you are, she's right here." said the staff member.
"Hi mommy..."
"Kristine! You are in serious trouble young lady!" yelled Kristine's mom.
"Well, we're going to go now, bye!" said Kristine's mom.
"Bye, drive safely!" said the staff member.

I knew that my mom was lying. She doesn't care if I get suspension because she knows I'm a great child and trusts me 100%. I saw that wink on her face when she was yelling at me in the office. My mom is the best! I would never choose any other moms in the entire world to replace her.

[in the car]
"Kristine, am I a good actress or what?" asked Kristine's mom.
"Yeah! Your so good! Ha ha."
"Well, you heard the staff lady, she said do not go to the school for 2 days unless you want to have serious punishment there, I think they are going to make you transfer schools or get expelled or some sort." said Kristine's mom.
"I won't."
"Okay." said Kristine's mom.

[At home]
"It's so boring being at home, I can't talk to any of my friends! Well, It's almost lunch time, maybe I can call them then. I wonder if they pick up. Wait, it's my friends! They're too bad to not pick up. And plus it's lunch time, they always have their cell phones out. Let me try calling them. Hmm, who to call first? I'll call Kevin.

"Hello?" answered Kevin.
"Hi Kevin! I got suspension for 2 days for cursing and sleeping in class. It's me Kristine."
"Aw, thats so gay!" said Kevin.
"Well, I don't really care, so tell me about school. What did I miss?"
"Not really much."
"Oh, boring days, Ha ha."
"I see a huge crowd! I think it's a fight." yelled Kevin.
"Really?! Who's fighting?"
"I can't really see!" said Kevin.
"Gasp! Kevin I want to know!"
"I'm trying to see here." said Kevin.
"Who is it?"
"It's Lori, Cindy, and Mandy?!" yelled Kevin.
"Yeah!" said Kevin.
"I need to come right away!"
"-But your suspended remember? How can you go to school?" asked Kevin.
"I can sneak in! Duh!"
"Well, I'll try to cover you." said Kevin.
"Go in the back okay? Nobody guards there."
"Okay." said Kevin.
"Bye!" said Kevin.
"I'll see you at school in like 3 minutes. Bye."

[before Kristine came]
"Oh my god! Why doesn't anybody leave me alone! I didn't do anything!" cried Mandy.
"Mandy stop lying! We know you want to fight our best friend.!" yelled Lori.
"Yeah, you bitch." yelled Cindy.
"Thats it, I'm tired of yelling! Time for some action [slaps Mandy.]" said Lori.
"Oh my god! That really hurts you know!" cried Mandy.
"Oh want more?[Kicks Mandy and socks her.]" said Cindy.
"I didn't do anything wrong with you people!" cried Mandy.

[Kristine comes]
"Kevin shield me!"
"I am! Hurry they're fist fighting!" yelled Kevin.
"Oh my god! What the hell is wrong with them!"
"I don't know." said Kevin.
"Kristine! I'm getting beat up here!" yelled Mandy.
"Why the hell are you 3 fighting for?!"
"-Because!" said Cindy.
"-Because we're the ones that started the rumor that Mandy is going to fight you because she is jealous of you and Kevin." said Lori.
"What?! It was you 2?" yelled Mandy.
"Yes, it was." chuckled Cindy.
"I just want to die!" screamed Mandy.
"Mandy! You won't!"
"Oh yes I will!"
"I will die! Farewell everyone. Enjoy life when I'm gone! And Kristine your my best friend and I'm sorry, but its my turn to visit the sky![Pulls out knife]." cried Mandy.
"No! Mandy don't!"
[security guards come]
"Kristine, we need to take you to the office!" yelled the security guards.
"No! Not right now! My best friend is going to die! No!!"
"We're going to drag you then!" said the security guards.
"No! Kevin try to not make Mandy die!"
"I'll try my best!" said Kevin.

"I'm sorry for going to school."
"Sorry doesn't mean your not going to do this again while on suspension." said the principal.
"You are sentenced to Juvenile Hall for 5 days! No exceptions, I already called your mom and she agreed!" yelled the principal.
"What?! I can't go there! My friend is about to die!"
"Too bad!" said the principal.

I don't even know if Kevin handled Mandy. I'm not sure if she is alive. What do I do? Life is so crazy these days when it comes to death of friends at a early age. My best friend forever might die! She was my first best friend ever, and now she can die! I wonder how her parents feel. I just wonder! Will she live or not.
To be continued....

1. Is Mandy going to die?
2. Will Kristine be on even more serious punishment?
toon in and find out :)

Chapter 6

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"You know that play Romeo and Juliet?" asked Kevin.
"Yeah! It's by William Shakespeare."
"Me and Mandy was playing in it, but it's in our version." said Kevin.
"Oh! Now I get it. Why didn't you tell me you were in it?"
"Uh, hello! You never answered my calls or messages." said Kevin.
"Oh yeah! But couldn't you like fake kissed or at least on the cheek?"
"Well, that lady won't let us. It has to be for real, and plus we get something called cash, and a lot of it!" said Kevin.
"Really? What were you going to do with all of that money?"
"I was trying to have a fancy date with you." said Kevin.
"Really? I'm left speechless he he."
"I tried to save enough money from my job, but it doesn't seem enough." said Kevin.
"Aw, at least you tried. Thats the nicest thing any guy ever did for me."
"Of course, because I love you." said Kevin.
"I love you too."
"Ha ha [hugs]" said Kevin.
"I think Mandy is turning emotional and I also think she hates me."
"She's not!" yelled Kevin.
"I think."
"Why is she turning emotional and why would she hate on you?" asked Kevin.
"I don't know! I said I was thinking."
"Why don't you solve this with her?" asked Kevin.
"I tried, but she wouldn't talk to me."
"Then I'll solve it!" exclaimed Kevin.
"Ha ha super hero!"
"Yup!" said Kevin.
"I'll solve it during lunch." said Kevin.
"Good luck!"
"Why would I need luck? I'm too good." said Kevin.
"Well, sometimes you do super hero."
"Well, I'm going to go to 4th period Ms.Kay is a pain in the ass!" yelled Kevin.
"Ha ha bye Kevin!"
"Bye Kristine! [hug]" said Kevin.

"Mandy! There you are!" yelled Kevin.
"Hi Kevin, hows it going with life?" said Mandy.
"Good, it looks like you hate life?" asked Kevin.
"Yeah, I guess? Life hates me." cried Mandy.
"No its not, life loves you, you just think it is." said Kevin.
"Really?" asked Mandy.
"Yeah, really." said Kevin.
"I guess." said Mandy.
"Well the reason why I'm here is that why are you mad at Kristine?" asked Kevin.
"She just pisses me off sometimes, thats all." said Mandy.
"So are you still best friends with her?" asked Kevin.
"I hope I am. I just want to be best friends with Kristine again, but I think she hates me now because of what I said." said Mandy.
"Why would I hate you?"
"Kristine?!" said Mandy.
"Mandy, do you hate me?"
"Of course not, I thought you hated me." said Mandy.
"Can we be best friends again?"
"Yeah, I would like that a lot." said Mandy.
"Yay, finally you two are friends again." said Kevin.
"Hey Mandy, want to go shopping later?"
"Oh my god! I'd love to!" said Mandy.
"Okay, which mall should we go to?"
"Hmm..Lets see, want to go to Endless?" asked Mandy.
"Oh my god! Hell yeah! I fascinate that mall!"
"He he." said Mandy.

[court yard]
"Do you think Kristine forgot about us?" asked Cindy.
"Of course not! Why would she do such a thing?" asked Lori.
"-Because she is with her best friend Mandy." said Cindy.
"Well, I guess your right." said Lori.
"We need to think of a plan to get rid of this girl!" yelled Cindy.
"She stole our best friend!" yelled Lori.
"Not to mention our closest friend!" cried Cindy.
"I have an idea!" screamed Lori.
"What is it?" asked Cindy.
"We should make up a rumor and say that Mandy hates Kristine because she is jealous of her being with Kevin."
"Smart plan!" exclaimed Cindy.
"I know huh!" said Lori.
"Lets spread it to everyone in the whole school!" yelled Cindy.
"Okay I'm right behind you!" said Lori.

"Hey Amber! Did you know that Mandy wants to fight Kristine because she is jealous of her being with Kevin?" asked Lori.
"Really? I have to tell it to people. I want to see this fight!" said Amber.
"Okay, you think that the whole school will know it after school?" asked Cindy.
"Of course, because I spread rumors really fast when you say it to me." said Amber.
"Don't worry about it, Everyone in the entire school will know about it, even the teachers!" said Amber.
"Wow, your good." said Cindy.
"Yup, well I have to do business and spread it to everyone!" said Amber.
"Thanks a lot!" said Lori and Cindy.
"Why thank me? I love spreading it! It's what I do." said Amber.
"Wow, your bad!" said Lori.
"Yup, ha ha well, I'm going now! Bye!" said Amber.
"Bye." said Lori and Cindy.

[After school]

"Oh my gosh Mandy! You really going to fight her?" asked a girl.
"What do you mean?" said Mandy.
"Your sad Mandy!" said another girl.
"Nobody likes you just leave that poor girl alone." said a guy.
"What?" yelled Mandy.
"They're saying that you are going to fight Kristine because you are jealous of her being with Kevin." said Amber.
"What? When did I ever say that? Somebody spread a fake rumor and I will find out sooner or later! Do you know who spread it?" asked Mandy.
"Nope, no idea what so ever." said Amber.
"Oh okay, I hope this doesn't ruin the shopping thing me and Kristine is going today." said Mandy.
"I guess." said Amber.
"Mandy? Are you jealous of me or something? I thought we're cool now? What the hell happened?" asked Kristine.
"Oh my god nothing!" yelled Mandy.
"I think we should go shopping some other time, I'm too pissed off right now sorry." said Kristine.
"Ughh, I hope that person is happy, they ruined my day with my best friend."