Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chapter 4

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"Bring the kid to the emergency room hurry!" said a police officer.
"Hurry! Don't let him die please!"

The doctors began surgery right away. I was always on Kevin's side. Eventually, the doctors told me to go wait in the waiting room. I don't know whats happening at all. They told me that they finished surgery and I can go in. Kevin was on a lot of medication. He didn't look okay at all. I started to cry, once again.

"Kevin I'm always here for you. Please, don't die on me. I love you."
"Kristine? You still love Kevin don't you." said Cindy.
"AHH! You scared me! Well, I feel sorry for him and I didn't give him a chance to explain to me what happened. So I don't even know for sure that he cheated on me."
"Oh this is terrible, the doctor told me that Kevin's injury is increasing little by little." said Lori.
"No!He's going to live.Please live Kevin.Your strong, you can handle it!"
"I'm sorry young ladies,but Kevin is having another surgery.We will begin it in 30 minutes.Can 3 of you visit him tomorrow?" said the doctor.

"Okay thank you doctor." said Lori.
"Bye Doc!" said Cindy.
"See you tomorrow!"

[On the phone]

"Kristine, are you that depressed?" said Cindy.
"Well, what if he doesn't make it?"
"He has a good chance of making it. These doctors are professional." said Lori.
"Yeah, I guess, but sometimes they fail..."
"Kristine,stop thinking of bad stuff and believe that Kevin is going to make it, then he will!" said Lori.
"I just can't!"
"Lets stop discussing about this subject." said Cindy.
"Okay lets talk about Raymond going to jail now."
"No more stuff about the fight please!" said Cindy.
"Fine, what else is there to talk about?"
"Ponies and unicorns!" said Cindy.
"Cindy is a weird kid." said Lori.
"You got that right."
"grrr.I just don't like talking about bad stuff, thats all." said Cindy.
"Well, I'm going to go sleep its 11 pm."
"Good night Kristine!" said Lori and Cindy.
"Good night!"

[The next day]

I couldn't sleep at all. I kept thinking of Kevin. He's the only thing on my mind. I'm crushing on him all over again. He probably hates me now. I sure hope not because I like him even more than ever now. I really want to be with him forever. In my heart it's probably longer than forever. Well, I have to get ready for school. No more thinking about Kevin. I will just start to cry again if I do. I have to get dressed for school now.Today is the day for the results if Kevin lives or not.


"Kristine! the school is sending home fliers about Kevin." said Lori.
"Is it good?"
"Here, read my flier." said Cindy.
"Okay thanks."

the flier says:

Dear students,
Our fellow class mate, Kevin Jackson was in a horrible accident yesterday. He might not make it because his injury is very serious. It was caused by Raymond Lee. He is going to jail about a year, if Kevin does make it. If he doesn't, then Raymond would have to deal with heavy charges. Please, feel free to ask questions about what happened to Kevin Jackson in the office. Thank you.
The Staff.

"I really hate this. Everyone says he might not make it!"
"Kristine, it's not like they know for sure." said Cindy.
"I guess, but I'm tired of hearing that sentence over and over."
"Let's go to 4th period now." said Lori.

[4th period]

I couldn't think of anything in English class. I kept thinking about Kevin. Everyone eventually started to stare at me, even the teacher. They asked me what happened to you.I said Kevin, of course. I knew him all my life.And he was my boy friend all my life, you think I would be okay with it? Well, life is life everyone has a time when their life ends, life sure sucks if we can't live it forever. I will cry and cry just to see Kevin alive and healthy. That is what I want more than anything.

[after school]

"Lets go to the hospital to visit Kevin."
"Okay" said Lori and Cindy.


"Oh my god! I'm scared at these ill patients."
"There is people with more horrible cases than Kevin." said Lori.
"This is tragic." said Cindy.
"Kevin's room is number 472."
"We are currently at room 2.." said Cindy.
"Great, there's stairs."
"They look pretty high." said Lori.
"Want to take the elevator?"
"I thought it's only for patients?" said Lori.
"We are now!"
"Okay" said Lori and Cindy.


"What number is it on?"
"I don't know, maybe it's on level 4." said Cindy.
"Okay, lets try."
"Oh my god, are we stuck?!"
"Don't panic!" said Lori.
"Ah! Someone help us! I sure don't want to be stuck." said Cindy.
"Did you heard what I just said?" said Lori.
"Yes, but I don't care. It's crowded in here!" said Cindy.
"Uh, so what do we do now?"
"Wait?" said Lori.
"I have an idea, anybody brought their cell phone?"
"I did." said Cindy.
"Okay, hand it over."
"But it's out of battery." said Cindy.
"Then what was the point of telling me that?"
"I don't know, ha ha." said Cindy.
"I brought my phone,I charged it yesterday." said Lori.
"Okay, give it to me."
"Nice phone!"
"Thanks." said Lori.
"Well anyway, theres the hospitals number on the wall.Let me call them."
"Hello? Me and 2 other people are stuck on a elevator. Can you come right away?"
"It will take us hours to fix it." said a nurse.
"What? So we're stuck here?"
"Yes, I guess so."
"Oh my god.Please hurry.I need to visit my boy friend!"
"It's not my problem miss."
"You got problems!"
[Kristine hangs up]
"We're stuck here for a few hours!"
"Really?" said Lori.
"Oh my god! We're moving!" said Cindy.
"We are finally at the 4th floor."
"So this is room 472."
"Knock on it Lori!" said Cindy.
"Fine." said Lori.
"Hi, can we see Kevin's results?"
"Oh,I'm so sorry to disappoint you girls,but-"
"No! Kevin died?! Tell me now!"
"He's fine..We're just not done with the surgery we will tell you tomorrow about the results."
"What?! We were stuck on the elevator the whole time!"
"Sorry, but you girls need to leave."
"Gr! They make me pissed off!"
"Let's get home." said Cindy.
"Sure, it's getting dark, want to sit outside and watch the sky?" said Lori.

[9:00 pm]

"Look you guys! A shooting star! Make a wish!!" said Lori.
"I wish for Kevin to live."
"I wish for a pony! said Cindy.
"I wish for a new computer." said Lori.
"Today is so beautiful." said Lori.
"I guess.."
"Want to go inside now? It's freezing."
"Sure!" said Lori and Cindy.

[Kristine's house]

"You both want hot chocolate?"
"No thank you." said Lori.
"No thanks." said Cindy.
"We should start heading home,it's getting late. Later Kristine." said Lori.
"Bye Kristine." said Cindy.

[The next day]

"Today is the day if Kevin lives or not!"
"Finally." said Lori.
"They better not do another surgery!"
"yup, makes me mad!" said Cindy.

[bells rings!]

"Kay, bye!"
"Bye Kris." said Cindy and Lori.

First period was like blah, I kept thinking of Kevin. I wonder if he remembers me after all of that medication he's on. Well, lets see what happens in the hospital. His family must be worried sick about him. (sigh) I hope he's alright. Finally we can go to the hospital! school is over! Thank you short days. Let me go find Cindy and Lori now.

"Lori! Cindy! Hurry up, we are going to miss the bus!"
"Whats with the hurry?" asked Lori.
"I want to know what happens to Kevin."
"Gosh, you rushed me too much, I forgot my home work for Ms.Kay in my desk.You're lucky the home work isn't due to next week!" said Cindy.
"Sorry! Can we go on the bus now?"
"Why didn't you say so?" said Lori.
"I'm going to ignore that."


"Finally, we're here!"
"Hurray!" said Cindy.
"2 times in a row!" yelled Lori.
"This time, we got to take stairs!"
"It's sure going to be a hell of an exercise" said Cindy.

[10 min later]
"Can't stop! Must get to 4th floor!" said Lori.
"My legs are swollen!"
"Must go to room 472!" said Cindy.
"Oh my god, Cindy is crawling ha ha."
"My legs hurt!" yelled Cindy.
"Don't mean anything about crawling!"
"I can't step any longer!" said Cindy.
"We're here!"
"I think I have a leg injury!" yelled Cindy.
"Why does his room got to be so far? God!" said Lori.
"Ha ha, you two are pathetic."
"Knock on it Cindy!"
"Oh great, you want me to get a hand injury too?" said Cindy.
"Just knock!"
"Hi doctor!"
"Whats the results?"
"Hi girls! The results for Kevin is-."
To Be Continued....

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