Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chapter 3

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[The next day]
"Oh my god I can't believe she did that to poor Raymond!.''
''What a loser.''
''She will never be cool again.''

I heard so many rumors that I cheated on him. I cant believe that people believe that I really cheated on him when i didn't. What morons! Nobody didn't talked to me today except for Lori and Cindy, of course. I felt very lonely and I just have to settle this once and for all. I need to find that Amber and see what she told Raymond.

"Amber what did you tell Raymond?"
"What? I didn't do anything. How dare you accuse me of doing something I didn't do!"
"Amber, you don't need to lie. I know from the starting of sixth grade that you hate my guts, and now three years later, you haven't changed a bit. You know what I'm going to do? I am going to spread rumors of you kissing a girl. Yeah, you know how much you would hate that if you ruined your reputation. So you better tell Raymond that it was all a joke or else."
"You wouldn't dare saying I'm a lesbian. Fine, I give up. You happy now? Let me go find Raymond for you." said Amber.

[At lunch]

"Raymond! Come over here!" said Amber.
"Sure..'' said Raymond.
"What happened to you?!" said Amber.
"Well I decided to turn emotional and I love their black clothes.'' said Raymond.
"I was going to tell you that yesterday that I wrote the note, not Kristine." said Amber.
"I don't need your lies. Kristine is probably paying you to tell me that, so I don't kill myself or something and look desperate.Wait, no she doesn't want to ruin her reputation right?!" yelled Raymond.
"I'm serious Raymond. The only reason I wrote that note for you to get into a little fight with Kristine because I don't really like her and I thought it would be funny." said Amber.
"Well, if it really is true, I will talk to Kristine.See you around Amber." said Raymond.
"Bye. Hope you and Kristine get back together." said Amber.

[Court field]
"Kristine I was looking for you. Why are you here alone?" said Raymond.
"The question is why are you talking to me?"
"I wanted to apologize. Amber told me that you had detention and that she wrote the note and you told her to tell me that you forgot you got detention after school." said Raymond.
"We would better off being friends now."
"But, can you give me a second chance?" said Raymond.
"Well, I guess."
"Let's hug"
"Kristine! What are you doing hugging that fool?" said Kevin.
"What? Kevin why are you here? Wheres your girl friend Mandy?"
"What do you mean girl friend?" said Kevin.
" A few weeks ago, I saw you holding hands with her. I also saw you kissing her and giving her a hug, the same things you used to do to me."
"I didn't, why would I go out with Mandy?" said Kevin.
"I saw you, don't lie Kevin."
"Why are you even talking to him Kristine, he cheated on you." said Raymond.
"Raymond, I thought we were best friends. What happened?" said Kevin.
"Your trying to break Kristine's heart again, and I don't want that to happen." said Raymond.
"What are you guys talking about? When did I ever break up with her?! She denied my phone calls and my text messages! What do you think I'm supposed to do? I can't talk to her during school because she's always somewhere else." said Kevin.
"I'm leaving I don't want to discuss this anymore." said Kristine.
"Kristine! Wait up!" screamed Kevin.
"Too late buddy, she's gone." said Raymond.
"This is all your fault!" screamed Kevin.
"What? She asked me out and told me you broke up with her!" yelled Raymond.
"I'm going to beat the crap out of you fool! Messing with my girl friend!" said Kevin.
"Fine! Be my guess! The next thing you know it, your going to be on the floor." said Raymond.
"Whatever you punk." said Kevin.
"Meet me at the cafeteria after school. Don't be late. We going to fight there." said Raymond
"Alright." said Kevin.

I was listening to every word they were saying to each other. I can't believe they are going to fight over me. What if they get in a accident? I don't want them to get hurt. I want to see the fight though. I want to see what happens to them. I don't want them to see me there though. Well, time to go to third period. I hate that class so much. Mr. Johnson is so mean.

[3rd period in Mr.Johnson class]

"Does anyone know number four? No volunteers? Well, I will choose then. Kristine, would you tell the class the answer to number four?" asked Mr.Johnson.
"Huh? What?"
"Did you read "The Broken Glass" last night for homework? said Mr.Johnson.
"I guess not."
"Hah guess not. I'm sorry, but you might fail this class this marking period." said Mr.Johnson.
"But! I will do my homework from now on."
"Do it! Then I will believe it. I don't believe your lies anymore. Get to work." said Mr.Johnson.
"Yes Mr.Johnson..."

I started to day dream, as usual. I just always have something on my mind. I can't miss that fight. I just have to be there. I don't know why, but I just think I have to see it for some reason. I didn't tell Lori and Cindy about the fight, but they probably heard from rumors. This fight is going to be huge. And I can not I repeat can not get another detention, if I do, then I can't see it. So, I'm trying my best not to day dream. Oh my god, I'm day dreaming right now. Have to stop!

"Is there something bothering you Kristine?" said Lori.
"Uh..do you know about Raymond and Kevin fighting after school?"
"Yeah, I heard them from rumors,I didn't want to tell you because you would probably get upset.And it's probably not true,like psh come on why would they fight for right?" said Lori.
"Uh, it is true. I was there when they said it. They are fighting over me."
"Really? I want to see this fight. It's probably nothing more than punches and kicks. said Lori.
"Well you never know."

[After school at the cafeteria]
"What a loser, he plans the time and I get here first." said Kevin.
"I'm here!" said Raymond.
"Finally, lets fight already I have to go home soon."

The crowd gets bigger and bigger. They started punching each other and kicking. I saw blood on Raymond's arm. The look on Raymond's face looked furious. He took something out of his pocket. It was a pocket knife. He stabbed Kevin to death. Kevin was covered in blood. At some point, Kevin fell down.

"Oh my god Kevin! some one call 911!"
"Here Kristine use my cell phone." said Cindy.
"Okay thanks."
"What are you doing Kristine?" said Raymond.
"I'm helping Kevin!"
"Don't you want him to die? I saved the world." said Raymond.
"No you didn't,you made it worse!"
"Hello? police officers? can you come to my school right away there is a student that has been stabbed and is down."
"Yes, we will be on our way." said a police officer.

I was so scared. What if Kevin dies? This isn't going to happen! Raymond can't just get away of this. When the police officers arrived, I told them everything that happened, so did Lori and Cindy and many other kids. The police officer handcuffed Raymond and took Kevin to the hospital. One of the officers told me Kevin might not make it. I burst in tears right away. Raymond is going to be in prison for a year or more. They don't want kids to be in prison for a long time.

"All of you won't get away with this!" screamed Raymond.
"Go to the car punk!" screamed one of the officer.

I was sitting next to Kevin. I just forgot about him kissing Mandy. They took Kevin away. He is in the hospital now. Everyone started crying, even people we don't know.
He might not make it. If he doesn't, then Raymond would have a lot of charges.
I need to get to the hospital right away to see Kevin and how is he doing.

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