Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Chapter 1

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''I love you even more than you will ever know Kevin."
"I love you too Kristine, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you in anyway."

A few days later, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Kevin and Mandy were holding hands. I didn't want to bother them, so I left. When I was on my way out, I saw Mandy and Kevin giving a hug and a kiss on the lips. I thought it was all a nightmare at first until I felt myself getting scratches from a bush I was hiding in. I just haven't been myself for a while after what I heard and saw.

"Mandy you are the most prettiest girl in the whole entire world. I would
never want to lose you."
"But Kevin, we've only have been dating for a few days... I don't want
this relationship to get this serious."
"Mandy, I am nothing without you."
"Of course you are nothing, since I'm a princess."

I just wanted to throw up when I heard that conversation at lunch time. And why were they talking as if they were acting? Maybe it's just me. I just felt like I was nothing.
I kept ignoring Kevin's phone calls and his text messages he has been sending me for the pass few days. He is probably telling me that we should see other people. I just didn't want to talk to him or Mandy.

A week later, there was a field trip in Mr.Johnson's class. I didn't want a partner, so I was alone for the field trip. Nobody wanted to talk to me. I felt like I was no good to anyone and wanted to shoot myself in the head and turn into an emotional kid. While the class were getting ready, Mr. Johnson introduced two new students. They were twins named Lori and Cindy. Mr. Johnson asked me to be their partners since I didn't have a partner, So I just said yes.

"Hi Kristine! I hope we get to be good friends," said Lori.
"Hi, I hope we can be good friends like you just said."
"We just moved here from Kentucky" said Cindy.
"That place looks pretty far."
"Yeah I know it took us hours to get to California," said Lori.

I had a lot of fun getting to know these two girls. It felt like I knew them my whole life. This is a new beginning to me. I really want real friends and now I got them.

At night time, I called Lori and Cindy about my story with Kevin since I trust them. They were shocked, and I started to cry when I discussed it with them. They wanted him to get pay back, Lori and Cindy were thinking of revenge. They wanted me to hook up with a boy named Raymond. He was an average foot ball player at our school. A lot of girls had crushes on him. I was too busy liking Kevin to realize how cute Raymond was. I'm not sure if he will say yes when I ask him out though. I'm so confused in my life right now, so I decided to ask Lori and Cindy questions.

"Lori! Cindy! I need your help."
"What do you need help on?" said Lori and Cindy.
"About asking Raymond out... What if he says no? I don't want to get rejected!"
"You won't get rejected Kristine... Trust us, if you do get rejected from someone, it doesn't ruin your reputation now does it?"
"Yes it does for popular people like me..."
"But you said you don't want to be popular anymore right?" said Lori.
"Well i guess i will give it a shot."

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