Monday, August 27, 2007

Chapter 2

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"Raymond...I don't know how to tell you this, but I want to be with you. Will you be my boyfriend?''
"Kristine I don't know, but I really think you're a pretty girl, but I like someone else.''
''So I guess it's a no? I guess I should start heading to third period now. Don't want to be late.''
''Kristine! Hold up! I never answered your question. Give me some time to think it over. When I say I don't know, I really don't know. I think you are a beautiful girl and I will tell you the answer during lunch.''
''Well see you at lunch then.Bye!''

During class I couldn't pay attention to what Mr. Johnson was saying at all. I kept thinking of Raymond's answer. I just wonder if he did say yes. I was day dreaming so much, I went to sleep and had my text book as my pillow. I didn't realize I went to sleep until Mr. Johnson yelled at me very loud. It sounded like an alarm clock on crack. I had detention after school. It didn't really matter since my parents are away and I can go home what ever time I would like to go home, but I don't want to be with bad kids! Oh well...lets see what happens.

"Kristine! We were looking everywhere for you where have you been? said Lori.
"I was looking for Raymond. Sorry I didn't wait for you two.''
"It's okay. If your looking for Raymond, he's at the cafeteria getting lunch.'' said Cindy.
''Thanks. Well I'm going to go to the cafeteria now. See you two later.''
"Bye Kristine.'' said Lori and Cindy.

''Raymond! There you are! I was looking for you everywhere.''
''Oh hi Kristine. Can we go some where private please.''
''Like where?''
''Uh..we should go to the locker room, nobody goes there at lunch.''
''Oh I never noticed.''

[Locker room]
"Kristine, I don't know how to tell you this, but yes I would love to be your boyfriend.''
''Really? Or is this a lie? It's really hard for me to trust people now because of what happened to me.
"Kristine, I swear this is not a joke. I really like you and want to be with you.
"Well, I accept.''
''Kristine, to prove it to you, our first date should be after school. Meet me at the gymnasium after school, don't be late!
"I won't, I promise.''
''Well, I'm going to class now, I just heard the bell rang''
''Bye Kristine!''

During 4th period, I just remembered that I have detention after school. I can't tell Raymond to make the date another time. I didn't have any classes with him and I also got my cell phone taken away because of my bad behavior from my parents. What do i do? Well, I think I will see him in the hall ways when we get out of class. I hope I'm right because he would probably think that I didn't want to go to the date and just left. That would be a terrible thing to do. I would never want to feel how much it hurts going my own ways again. It would hurt me really good. I'm going to pray that I see him after class, hopefully. It's after class now, I need to wait for him to walk by my class, so I can tell him.

"Hi Kristine.'' said Amber.
"Hi Amber! do you have Ms. Kay next period?''
''Yes I do. Why do you ask?'' said Amber.
''Uh..because I need to ask you a favor.''
''Okay, make it quick before we both get marked absent.'' said Amber.
''Can you tell Raymond I can't go on our date after school because I have detention from Mr. Johnson?''
''Sure! I sit next to him, so it would be easy to tell him.'' said Amber.
"Thanks a lot!''
''We should start heading for class before the hall monitor gives us a phone call home.''
''Okay, bye Kristine!'' said Amber.

[During 5th period in Ms. Kay's class]

"Pshh! Raymond! whispered Amber.
''What? said Raymond.
''I have a note for you to read.'' said Amber.
''Okay, give it to me.'' said Raymond.
''Here, read it. It's from Kristine.'' said Amber.

The note says:
Raymond, I'm going out with Kevin now. You can run along now and have fun in your life being single again! ha ha. Who would want to go out with you anyway? I just asked you out because I felt sorry for you, but I don't want to waste my time anymore with you. You make me sick!
<3 Kristine

''She...'' said Raymond.
''Yeah! she cheated on you!'' yelled Amber.
''Amber, I don't want to talk right now. Can you please leave me alone right now.'' said Raymond.
''Whatever.'' said Amber.

[at home on the phone]
''Well bye Lori! I'm going to call Raymond now.''
''You two make a good couple.I love it! Bye Krissy!'' said Lori.
''Hello?'' said Raymond.
''Hi Raymond! It's me Kristine.''
''What do you want?'' said Raymond.
''I'm sorry-''
''Thats enough out of you!'' yelled Raymond.
[Raymond hangs up.]

I wonder why Raymond was so mean on the phone? I didn't do anything wrong. He didn't even let me finish my sentence. I was going to say '' I'm sorry that I had detention.'' Did Amber had anything to do with this? well I will handle this tomorrow. I hope things don't get ugly.

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