Saturday, December 29, 2007

Chapter 12

"Kristine?" Yelled Mandy.
[30 minutes later Kristine wakes up]
"Eh? Where am I?"
"Kristine! Finally! I got bad news to tell you!" Cried Mandy.
"Kevin-" Said Mandy.
"What about him? Is he in another fight? Let me go kick his ass!"
"No! He just got into another accident." Said Mandy.
"What accident? So that was the big crowd?!"
"Uh, yeah he got into a car accident, because while he was walking by the street, a drunk driver didn't see him so they crashed into him, and it hit Kevin really bad." Said Mandy.
"Is he alright?"
"I'm not sure, but it is best if we go to his house and see what is up." Said Mandy.
"This sucks so bad!"
"Hey, we all know life is a bitch, but we have to go through it." Said Mandy.
"Well my life stinks, can I trade with yours?"
"Ha ha, you act like my life is perfect." Giggled Mandy.
"Better than mine though."
"Eh, I don't know about that." Responded Mandy.
"Okay, we are at Kevin's house, knock on the door."
"Is that a demand?" Questioned Mandy.
"Fine." Said Mandy.
[Kevin's sister answers the door]
"Hi Jamie! What happened to Kevin?" Asked Mandy.
"Oh Kevin, I don't know, but my mom went to go get him when some dude called." said Jamie.
"Interesting, so where is she taking him?"
"I don't know? I barely even talk to Kevin!" Shouted Jamie.
"Didn't need to yell." Said Mandy.
"Sorry, well I think they said something about the emergency room." Said Jamie.
"The emergency room?!"
"Yes, the emergency room." Said Jamie.
"Which hospital? Kid you need to give us all the information you know and hurry!" Demanded Mandy.
"I am not a kid! I'm eleven and I am in the 6th grade! And I don't need to give you any information if I want to, because your not my mom! You don't tell me what to do!" Said Jamie.
"Sorry! Okay, can you please tell me which hospital Kevin is in?" Asked Mandy.
"Children's dummy! What other kid hospital is there?" Asked Jamie.
"Ugh! How should I know?!" Yelled Mandy.
"Jamie, is the Children's hospital that Kevin is in, is it the one by Long Drug's?"
"Yeah! It's that one, I think, my mom said the nearest one." Said Jamie.
"Yeah, that is the one."
"Thanks for your help Jamie!" Said Mandy.
"Yeah whatever." Said Jamie.
"Bye Jamie!"
"Bye Kristine!" Said Jamie.
"Bye Jamie." Said Mandy.
"Whatever." Said Jamie.
[Jamie closes door when Mandy and Kristine went outside]
"What a messed up kid!" Shouted Mandy.
"Eh, she just doesn't like you, ha ha, that is all."
"Whatever, I hate her too then!" Said Mandy.
"So, how are we going to go to the hospital?"
"Walk?" Asked Mandy.
"It's going to take like twenty minutes!"
"Like we have any other choices!" Said Mandy.
[Kristine suddenly looks at two bikes beside them]
"Hey! We can use these bikes, right?"
"Those aren't ours!" Said Mandy.
"We're just borrowing them. Nobody will ever notice, then when we're done, we bring them back."
"I don't know about this." Said Mandy.
"What is there not to know?"
"I just don't know how to ride two wheels!" Cried Mandy.
"You never learned how to ride two wheels before?!"
"Sadly, no. Never learned how, because nobody ever taught me how!" Cried Mandy.
"Are you a real kid?!"
"What? I'm not a kid, for your information." Corrected Mandy.
"Wow, teenager, big difference!"
"Yup!" Said Mandy.
"Just try your best, we need to get to Kevin right away!"
"I don't want to get hurt!" Cried Mandy.
"Wear a helmet! Gosh!"
"Okay fine!" Said Mandy.
"Okay keep your balance."
"Whee! This is actually fun!" Said Mandy.
"Your getting the hang of it, surprised you didn't fall yet."
"What?! Fall?!" Cried Mandy.
"Uh, nothing! Forget what I said."
-Mandy falls-
"Ow! That really hurt!" Said Mandy.
"Did you got scraped really bad on your knee?"
"Not really, I'm okay, just a little of blood, but I'm not sure if the bike is okay." Said Mandy.
"You literally broke the bike in half!"
"Eh, I'm a terrible person! Go on without me." Said Mandy.
"No your not! We're almost to our destination! Sit behind me."
"Is it safe?" Asked Mandy.
"Duh, I do it all the time with my cousins."
"Okay." Said Mandy.
[Children's hospital]
"We're finally here!"
"Lets go inside." Said Mandy.
"How may I help you young ladies?" Asked a nurse.
"Can you please help us find Kevin Jackson?"
"Oh, let me see if we have him in any rooms right now." Said the nurse.
"Thanks." Said Mandy.
"Oh yes! We have him. He's in room 105." Said the nurse.
"Thank you so much!"
[While walking up the stairs]
"At least it's not a large number room this time." Said Mandy.
"Yeah, and I had my experience with the elevator here! I'm going to avoid that now!"
"I know!" Said Mandy.
"Okay, 103, 104, 105! Found it!"
"Knock on the door." Said Mandy.
"Why don't you."
"I knocked on it the other time." Said Mandy.
"Fine, I guess."
"Hello, we are doing surgery on a patient, can you please wait?" Said the doctor.
"Oh, is it Kevin Jackson that your doing surgery on?"
"Yes, it is. Do you want to know his results?" Asked the doctor.
"Please and thank you!"
"We would like to know it right away." Said Mandy.
"-But before you do his surgery, can you please estimate when will it be done?"
"I'm not sure, maybe two to three hours?" Said the doctor.
"Okay, hope your right."
"Okay we are going to go to the waiting room now bye." Said Mandy.
"Bye." Said the doctor.
[closes door]
"Ugh, so impatient!" Said Mandy.
"I'm hungry!"
"Do they charge you money if your not a patient?" Asked Mandy.
"I don't know, but I'm going to the candy machine!"
"I see." Said Mandy.
"Hmm..what should I get?"
"Get some hot chips!" Shouted Mandy.
"Alright! Okay, so that is B3."
"Press it!" Yelled Mandy.
"You think I don't know!"
[Kristine presses B3]
"It's coming! It's coming!It's-"
"It's fucking stuck!" Shouted Mandy.
"What a rip off! I wasted a dollar, and I'm still hungry!"
"Eh, how much longer do we have to wait!" Said Mandy.
"Is there a possibility we have to stay here for the night."
"Maybe!" Said Mandy.
[1 A.M. in the morning]
"Still waiting.."
[2 A.M. in the morning]
"Can I eat you, Kristine?" Asked Mandy.
"No! Get away you cannibal!"
[3 A.M. in the morning]
"Turtles are funny!" Giggled Mandy.
"Are you always like this in the morning?"
"Maybe." Said Mandy.
[4 A.M. in the morning]
"Kristine, Mandy." Said the doctor.
"You finished?" Asked Mandy.
"Sorry, my calculations were all wrong for my estimations." Said the doctor.
"We've been sitting here for seven hours!"
"Again, sorry, and you two look very hungry." Said the doctor.
"-Because we are!" Shouted Mandy.
"You could've just went to the cafeteria and got some lunch." Said the doctor.
"-But doesn't it cost?"
"No, all free." Said the doctor.
"What?!" Cried Mandy.
"Anyways, I am sorry, but Kevin passed away. We tried to feel his pulse, but nothing at all." Said the doctor.
"Kevin...died?!" Yelled Mandy.
"I'm afraid so." Said the doctor.
"Kristine, why aren't you talking?" Asked Mandy.
"I'm left speechless."
"It's going to be alright." Said Mandy.
[1 week later, after Kevin Jackson's funeral]
"Kevin, your in a better place now, I hope you still remember all the good times we've been through together, and know that whatever happens, I will always love you, even though your not here anymore."
[Kristine walks away from his grave]
'I have just lost a boy friend or a best friend that I knew all my life. We all know that we have to let go on them at some point, and let them be. Don't just sit down and cry all your life, you don't want them to worry about you while they are up there watching down on you. Be happy and stay strong. &♥; Kristine'
Season 2 is coming to town!

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