Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chapter 11

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"Cindy is retarded?! That is hilarious!"
"Well, yes she is struggling in thinking of one subject at a time. She sometimes goes off topic, once in a while." Said the principal.
"Are you sure your talking about Cindy Higgins?!"
"Yes, I am sure." The principal said.
"Well, I'm going to go now, don't want to be late to my next period!"
"Of course, before I give you a detention!" Said the principal.
"I'm kidding, can't a principal joke once in a while?" Said the principal.
"I guess not."

Who would ever knew that Cindy would have a disorder or some kind of problem. I just had to tell people, but I think it would be wrong to, should I? I don't know at all! But I just want to get revenge. Maybe I will just tell Mandy. She wouldn't spread now, would she?

[Passing period]

"Mandy! Wait up!"
"Hey Kristine. Can you hurry? I don't want to stay after school to serve detention." said Mandy.
"I have to tell you a secret!"
[bells ring]
"Eh! I have to go Kristine, tell me it later!" said Mandy.
"No! Wait!"
[Kristine accidentally took a piece of paper out of Mandy's binder]
"Mandy! You dropped something."
"Hmm, guess she didn't hear me, well I wonder what it is."
"Lets read, Mandy Stevenson blah blah blah, What?!"
"Mandy is going to be in big trouble because of me! This is her presentation for Mr.Lee's class! If she doesn't have this by now then she gets an F for her report card grade! And! No late work is accepted? What kind of bull shit is that. I need to give this to her, Hopefully I don't get caught by stupid Jake! I hate his hall monitor looking self!"

[While Kristine was walking to Mr.Lee's class]

"Hold up there!" said a voice.
"Uh- I have a pass!"
"Let me see it!" the voice came closer said.
"Dammit, I can tell it was Jake!"
"What did you say?" said Jake.
"Uh- nothing, nothing at all."
"I can give you a referral if i wanted to you know?" said Jake.
"No! Please don't!"
"Anyways, where is your pass?" asked Jake.
"Wh- Where is it? Oh my god! I lost it, well sorry, I can't find it."
"You never had one, did you!" yelled Jake.
"Okay, I'm writing you a referral." said Jake.
"Please? Just let me off this one time, if my mom finds out i have another referral, she would kill me! I promised that I would be good!"
"Well, if you say so, I have something in mind." said Jake.
"It's not going to be disgusting, now is it?"
"Of course not!" said Jake.
"Okay then! Well, speak?"
"You know, the winter dance is coming up." said Jake.
"Ew, your not asking me to go, are you?!"
"No! Ew, I don't have bad taste, sorry." exclaimed Jake.
"What?! Do you want me to help you or not?!"
"Okay, okay. I just want you to ask this girl out for me." said Jake.
"Well, it's Mandy." Whispered Jake.
"What?! Do you even know she has a boyfriend?"
"Yeah, who doesn't?" Said Jake.
"Then, I'm pretty sure thats a no then."
"No is not one of the choices!" Yelled Jake.
"Then what am I going to do?!"
"I don't know! You figure it out! But I have to be with Mandy on the floor at the winter dance, thats all I know." Said Jake.
"But she has a boyfriend which is Raymond! You think Raymond would sit back and not care that she's going with you? You saw what he did to Kevin?"
"Well, try make to not let Raymond know?" Said Jake.
"How, they are going together at the dance."
"So, break them up." Demanded Jake.
"How can I do that?"
"I don't know!" Yelled Jake.
"You know what? This referral is not worth getting my best friend for life to break up with her boyfriend for you for a stupid winter dance."
"What?! It is worth it!" Yelled Jake.
"No, not at all."
"What is going on?!" Said the principal from down the hallway.
"Jake is giving me a referral for giving my friend her work that is due right now, and without it, she will get an F and I know her mom would kill her for that!"
"Jake? I fired him, because he has a 2.0 and hall monitors are supposed to have 3.0 or up on their report card!" Said the principal.
"But, you never asked for my uniform back." said Jake.
"No Jake! You kept telling me you forgot it at home!" Yelled the principal.
"Jake also told me tha-"
[Jake put his hand to Kristine's mouth to shut her up]
"Uh- nothing principal." Said Jake.
"Jake, let Kristine's mouth go!" Demanded the principal.
"You better shut up, Kristine." Whispered Jake.
"Gr!" Scowled Jake.
"Jake bribed me that if he doesn't give me a referral, then he forced me to ask my best friend Mandy to the winter dance, and she already has a boyfriend!"
"Jake, you are forbidden to even go in the dance now!" Yelled the principal.
"Wh-What?!" Said Jake.
"You heard what I said, and I'm going to call your mother!" Said the principal.
"-But! I don't deserve this at all!" Cried Jake.
"Yes you do, and made an innocent child a part of this!" Yelled the principal.
"But-" Said Jake.
"No more buts! Go to my office right this instant!" Screamed the principal.
"Yes Miss.." Cried Jake.
"Jake, I'm sorry, I didn't know she would take it this far!"
"Whatever.." Said Jake.
"I'm so sorry!"

[after school]
"Oh my god Kristine! You never know what happened to me today!" Yelled Mandy.
"I'm mad because of my stupid paper for my presentation got lost somewhere! So i begged Mr.Lee to give me another day, and luckily he actually said okay, but still I'm mad because I have to do everything all over again!" Exclaimed Mandy.
"Wow, Mandy. I accidentally slipped your paper out of your binder when I needed to tell you something."
"What? I'm glad. Do you still have it?" Asked Mandy.
"Yeah, it should be in my backpack. Let me check."
"Found it!"
"Thanks!" Said Mandy.
"Yeah, lets walk home."
"Okay, but I'm going to read my paper again, so I won't be scared tomorrow." Said Mandy.
"Anyways Mandy, how are you and Raymond-"
"Kristine! This isn't my paper, but why does it have something to do about me in it?!" Exclaimed Mandy.
"Wait, what?"
"It says that have to break up Raymond and Mandy to not get referral." Said Mandy.
"Oh my god! Just throw that away!"
"What? I want to know what this is about!" Yelled Mandy.
"Okay fine! I was supposed to make you go to the winter dance with Jake, because if I didn't then he would give me a referral and my mom would kill me!"
"So, is that being selfish now?" Asked Mandy.
"He gave me what he wrote, I was supposed to throw it away, but I forgot to. I would never do that."
"Hopefully you won't! Then where is my paper?" Questioned Mandy.
"Oh no! I lost it!"
"You what?!" Yelled Mandy.
"I might have misplaced it."
"Then do my project for me! I don't want to do it all over again!" Yelled Mandy.
"Ugh! This is so irritating! Fine, I'll do your work. Happy?"
"I feel better, thanks Kristine." Hugged Mandy.
"Well, it's my fault."
"I wonder what is over there." Said Mandy.
[Mandy points]
"What the hell is going on?"
"I don't know." Said Mandy.
"Lets go over and take a look."
"There is a huge crowd to even look!" Said Mandy.
"Yeah, but I want to see what is all this commotion about."
"Oh my god!" Cried Mandy.
[Kristine faints]

To be continued...