Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chapter 5

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"He will make it!" said the doctor.
"Oh my god! Are you serious?"
"Why don't you talk to him yourself?" said the doctor.
"I will!" said Cindy.
"I was talking about Kristine." said the doctor.
"Well,I want to talk to him,please?" said Cindy.
"Kristine first! Gosh Cindy." said Lori.
"I'm going in!"
"Hi Kevin! How are you doing?"
"Ughh! Who's there?" said Kevin.
"It's me Kristine,your girlfriend.I'm here to visit you."
"Kristine, I forgot to tell you Kevin doesn't remember much,but he will soon!" said the doctor.
"Oh,so you don't remember me?"
"It's not his fault Kristine." said Lori.
"Yeah,but hes my boyfriend!"
"Hi Kevin!" said Cindy.
"Oh, hi Cindy." said Kevin.
"Hmm, seems like Kevin forgot about you." said the doctor.
"Whatever! He probably just remembers about Cindy only!"
"I got my year book point at everybody and see if he can name all of them." said Lori.
"Kevin who is this?"
"Josh,Janet,Ashley,Karen,Shelly,James,Lance,Ben and so on.." said Kevin.
"This must be a joke!You remember everybody and forgot about me?"
"Who are you? Some stranger?" said Kevin.
"I feel like crying.."
"Kristine! I was just playing around! Don't cry." said Kevin.
"Kevin? You remember me?"
"Of course I do." said Kevin.
"Shouldn't you be mad at me?"
"No, of course not. Why would I be mad at you?" said Kevin.
"-Because, you fought over me and it made you end up here!"
"It's my fault for fighting with Raymond. You have no part in this, it was between me and him." said Kevin.
"I guess."
"Well, when can I go home doctor?" said Kevin.
"We will let you go by tomorrow." said the doctor.
"Thank you, so I should be at school in two days?" said Kevin.
"Why not tomorrow?" said Cindy.
"Your so slow Cindy,did you know?"
"Whatever!" said Cindy.
"Lori, you nerd! Stop reading."
"-But the book report is due by tomorrow!" said Lori.
"What book report?"
"The book report that Mr.Johnson told us to read about a month ago!" said Lori.
"Oh my god! I forgot all about it!"
"Well, shouldn't you go home and read?" said Lori.
"Hm, but I don't think I will finish in time."
"Why don't I give you my book report for Mr.Johnson? I finished it a long time ago, but it looks like I won't need it anymore because I have been excused." said Kevin.
"Really? You would do that for me?"
"Of course. I want to be your super hero." said Kevin.
"Aw, your so sweet."
"What a good chapter!" yelled Lori.
"Damn Lori! Stop talking to yourself!"
"-But this book is really good!" cried Lori.
"When was books good?" said Cindy.
"Lets go now!"
"We're right behind you!" exclaimed Cindy and Lori.
"Bye Kevin! I love you my love!"
"Ha! Ha!" you crack me up!" said Cindy.
"Love is in the air eh?" giggled Lori.
"Yes it is!"
"Bye Kristine I love you!" said Kevin.
"Later Kevin!" said Cindy.
"Bye Bye dudes!" said Lori.
"Bye Cindy and Lori." said Kevin.


"Yay! I got a B!" yelled Lori.
"Man Mr.Johnson better hurry up! I want to see the grade Kevin gave me!"
"Here you are Kristine. It's a beautiful well written story." said Mr.Johnson.
"Yay! I got an A+! I should go thank Kevin."
"He's so caring! I'm jealous! I wish i have a boyfriend like that." said Lori.
"Wait! But I never asked him why he kissed Mandy!"
"Ha Ha I forgot all about her!"
"You forgot about your best friend since 1st grade?" said Mandy.
"Mandy? When were you here?!"
"I changed my schedule, so I can be with my best buddy, but I guess she doesn't feel the same." said Mandy.
"I didn't forgot about you!"
"I heard it!" yelled Mandy.
"Can I ask you why you and Kevin kissed?"
"Why don't you ask him yourself? Gosh, I don't feel like talking to you right now." said Mandy.
"Whatever I'll ask him tomorrow when he's here then."
"Good!" yelled Mandy.
"Okay then!"
"We're not friends anymore!" said Mandy.
"I don't care! You think I care? No! I don't!"
"How could you Kristine?" cried Mandy.
"How could I? You smooched my boyfriend and wouldn't bother telling me why you did!"
"Did you accept my phone calls?" yelled Mandy.
"Basically why did you smooch him?!"
"See you can't answer my question,because you know I'm right." said Mandy.
"Okay fine! I didn't answer my phone calls from you or kevin because I was so upset."
"You never gave me or Kevin a chance." yelled Mandy.
"Oh my god! Just leave me alone right now, please."
"I can't believe you. I didn't know best friends act like this." cried Mandy.

[Mandy Leaves]
"Kristine, it's okay." said Lori.
"We're always here for you." said Cindy.
"[sigh] Guys, I wish that I will never be jealous again and that we would all forget this nonsense."
"Kristine, I think Mandy is right too." said Lori.
"I think you should talk to her and solve this conflict." said Cindy.
"-But, she wouldn't even want to talk to me."
"Well, then try to?" said Cindy.
"I'll try to talk to her during lunch."
"Okay." said Lori.

"Mandy! I need to talk to you."
"What do you want?" asked Mandy.
"Why are you sitting here alone in the dark?"
"I don't have any friends to hang out with." said Mandy.
"Gosh Mandy! Your taking it too far! Are you like going emotional or something?"
"At this moment, I don't know." said Mandy.
"I was just asking why did you kiss Kevin and say your his girl friend?"
"I'm pretty sure Kevin will tell you. I don't want to talk anymore. Please leave me alone." said Mandy.
"grr, nice talking to you..."

"That was a waste of time!"
"What happened Kristine?" asked Lori.
"She will tell me anything except why she kissed Kevin!"
"Gasp, She must really hate talking about that subject." said Cindy.
"Maybe thats why she got depressed?"
"Who knows, just ask Kevin tomorrow." said Lori.
"Okay, I will."


Today is the day I see Kevin at school! I really need to ask him why did he kiss my best friend? I wonder why. Hmm..Nope no idea. I'm not slow! I'm just curious. I really don't care anymore about he cheating on me for my best friend, but I need a reason why did he? It's not like he would do such a thing to me and not tell me since I already know what happened. Time to go to school and see Kevin. I love him so much! I can't wait to see him.

"Kevin I finally found you [hug]"
"Hi Kristine! I didn't know you were so excited to see me." said Kevin.
"Well, Kevin I need to ask you something."
"Sure! What do you want to ask me about?" asked Kevin.
"-Uh, the reason why I got mad at you is because I saw you and Mandy kissing on the lips and she said she was your girl friend."
"-Oh! The reason why I kissed her and she said I was her boy friend is because.."